About Me

Hi, My name is Kendra and I am just an ordinary young woman whose life has been completly changed by an extraordinary God. I just started this blog to share some of the things God has given me. I will try to update as much as my schedule allows. My prayer is that through this blog you will allow Jesus Christ to inspire you,encourage you and transform your life. Sealed with Love, Kendra

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Have you fallen for the GREATEST lie?

                 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” Genesis 3:1

This has been on my mind and I feel inclined to share this with you.

When the enemy deceived Eve he caused her to question God. He caused her to believe that God wanted to deny her something good, not provide her with something better. This is the same trick the enemy is using against us today. The enemy wants you to believe that you are "missing-out" on something in life.

The purpose of this post is to urge you to not believe the lie. Every command that the Lord gives us is for our own good. He knows us better than we know ourselves and he loves us. The reason why God says no sex before marriage is because he wants to protect us. He wants to give us true sexual fulfillment within marriage. Everything that he tells us to do is to ensure that we have the best life possible while on earth.

Please understand that God loves you and he wants the best for you. The enemy will make sin look good, but he is a liar. Please dont fall for the lie.

Endnote: I just want to share the things I wish someone would have shared with me years ago. I know I would have saved myself alot of pain. I am only here by the grace and love of God. I want to help you avoid the "pit-falls" Satan presents in this life. Believe and hold fast to every word of God. He has the BEST plan for your life.

I love you and God loves you,
Kendra G.                                     

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Are you sharing Jesus with anyone?

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." 1 Peter 2:9

God has really been dealing with me lately on sharing the truth of His love and who He is. He has called us as Christians to be a light in a world that is dark. The truth of the matter is that we may be the only Jesus that someone may see. As I have been growing in my relationship with Christ I just feel obligated to tell someone about how great and awesome our God is. The transformation he has done in my life is too amazing to keep to myself.

The purpose of this post is to encourage you to share the love of Jesus Christ with someone. If you just sit back and take a look you will see that our world is hurting and looking for love in all the wrong places, When the only true love is found in Jesus Christ. I encourage you to allow your lifestyle to represent Jesus Christ and to do what you can to tell at least one person about him.

We serve a God who is more awesome than words can explain. This world is searching for an answer, the answer is found in Jesus Christ. Lets share this awesome God with a lost world.

Prayer: Jesus, We thank you because you are so awesome and amazing to us. Lord we ask that you remove all fear and guilt that would stop us from sharing your love with someone else. We ask that you provide opportunities to share our faith. Give us the courage and boldness to allow our lifestyles to represent you. Amen

I love you and God loves you,
Kendra G.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Are you serving God in your workplace?

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving" (Colossians 3:23-24 NIV)

"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. (Romans 13:1 NIV)

I must admit that last week the Holy Spirit really convicted me about something that I always overlooked in my Christian walk. On our jobs it is so easy for us to get caught up in the workplace "gossip" about our fellow co-workers or most often the authority figures that are in place. As I was listening to a Christian podcast on my cell phone God began to speak to me and show me what my role should be in my workplace and that my work is an assignment from God. This was challenging for me because I never thought my job(something I feel as temporary) could be considered as an assignment from God. God has shown me that we are to work as unto the Lord, meaning that in everything that we do we must do it as if we are doing it for God and not for the authority figures that are in place. He has also shown me that all authority is ordained by God and it is our job to submit to the authority even when we do not like their way of leading. I must admit that I have missed the mark in this area because I didn't treat my job as an assignment from God. I failed to realize how important this area of my life is to God.

The purpose of this post is to encourage you to look at your workplace in a different way, to put everything in perspective and see it as an assignment from God. Even if you do not have a job this same principle can be used in anything that you do. I am also a college student and I know that this principle applies to it as well. I am not saying that this will be easy becasuse the enemy will present every opprutunity he can to get you to compromise in anything that you do. He does NOT want you to live your life with the purpose that Christ created you for. I am going to be honest with you and tell you that this will be challenging and that you will have to "FIGHT" to be an example for Christ in all you do. This is a challenge that I have to face daily and I still have work to do in this area. We must remember that apart from Christ we are nothing and we cannot possibly do this without Him.We have to gain the strength from Him to do what he has called us to do. We must always remember that in our lives we are on a battlefield and that we are daily fighting a spiritual battle with a enemy that has already been defeated. Let's FIGHT to be a light at work, at school and even at home. Let's keep our heads up, our feet stable and FIGHT to be all that God wants us to be in every area of our lives! Remember the "JURY" has already spoken the "VERDICT" is in, the enemy is defeated and we "WIN"!

I really was not expecting to go in this direction with this post, but Christ has spoken and we as Christians are always winners. We just have to continue to fight for what is rightfully ours.

Prayer: Lord help me to be the person that you want me to be in every area of my life. I ask for forgiveness because I know that I have missed the mark on my job and at school. I ask that you give me the strength to do my job as if I am doing it for you. Help me to be a light for you in all I do. I cannot do this alone. Lord I need you. Lord I thank you because you are my everything. In Jesus name, Amen.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How are you using your words?

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit." (Proverbs 18:21 NKJV)

Lately God has been dealing with me intensely on the use of my words. I have learned that the words that I use are powerful and should be used carefully. I had never really thought about my words until recently and I would now like to share this important truth with you.

In my personal experience I have learned that in any situation that I face I have to make the choice rather to speak life or to speak death. Nobody can make this choice for me and this choice requires me to reach beyond how I feel or how the situation looks. I must admit that this has been especially challenging for me because it is so easy to go with my feelings and speak what I see. I have learned that when I do this I am damaging myself and adding further damage to the situation I am in. When I began to speak positive I feel peace in the midst of whatever I am going through even if the situation is still the same. When I began to speak the word of God over my life I see God beginning to work on my behalf. Words are extremely powerful!!

The purpose of this post is to inform you that the most powerful influence on your attitude and personality is what you say to yourself and believe about yourself. In life you will always have challenges and hardships but it is how you "SPEAK" during these times that determine how long you will be there. I know for a fact that I have been in situations alot longer then I had to because of the words of defeat that I spoke the during the difficulty. The words we speak are able to shape the course of our lives.

I want to encourage you today to speak words of life no matter what you are going through. As you speak words of life began to embrace the peace that will come in the midst of your storm. This will be extremely challenging at first because the situation may not go away immeadiately, but dont give up and continue to let your words transform your situation. Say to yourself, " I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ", " I am a winner", "God has a great plan for my life", " The devil has already been defeated" , " I CAN MAKE IT"

"Words are containers of power"-- Joyce Meyer

I love you and God loves you,
Kendra G.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Are you following the GPS or should you RE-ROUTE?

 "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." Psalms 119:105(NIV)

I have said in earlier posts that there a various paths that you can take in life. There is a path that leads to life and a path that leads to destruction. It is important that we strive to follow the path that leads to life. I have learned that it is impossible to follow this path by listening to the opinions of others or doing what "feels" right for the moment. The only way we can make sure we are traveling down the road of life is to follow our GPS or "God's Positioning System". The GPS in this case is the Word of God because it directs us and tells us which way we should go.

In my personal experience I have heard many different opinions about how to live for God and what he expects from us. The only way to be sure that I am following the right path and living how he expects me to live is to follow the GPS. Sometimes following the GPS has been challenging, I dont always "feel" like taking its direction, people do not always understand me or agree with me. But, with God's help I am able to strive to continue to stay on the path that leads to life. Even when I make mistakes or get off course the GPS is always available to RE-ROUTE me towards the correct destination.

The purpose of this post is to let you know that when we allow Christ to direct our lives we can always know that we are heading in the right direction. Even when we think we are traveling down the wrong road, we can trust that this GPS will always help prevent us from becoming lost. I encourage you today to follow the GPS towards life. No matter what direction your life is going in right now it is NOT too late to RE-ROUTE your life based on the GPS. Remember God's way is ALWAYS the BEST way!

"With God as our ultimate GPS, why do we sometimes become uneasy on our road trips with Him? He is ALWAYS with us and He will never guide us wrong!"--Andrea Bush

I love you and God loves you
Kendra G

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Who are you depending on?

 "This is what the Lord says: Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD" Jeremiah 17:4-6

Before I start this post I would like to thank a friend for the inspiration of this topic. I was talking with a friend about ideas for the blog and she brought to my attention this particular topic. One in which I feel we all need.

I have learned that God places various people in our lives for various reasons. Some people are only there for a season of our lives, some are there for a lifetime, some are there to help us through life, to encourage us and uplift us. Even though God places people in our lives to help us and encourage us we are not to depend on these people or have them take the place of God in our lives. It is so easy in life to become dependent on the people we can see see around us and forget that we have a God in heaven that loves us and knows everything about us. We can always trust in him to lead us in the right direction. He desires to be first in our lives and for us to develop an intimate relationship with him.

In my personal experience I have to admit that there have been times that I was presented with a problem and the first thing I did was pick up the phone and call a friend. I would tell them all about my problems and seek their advice. It was not until after I got off the phone with them that I would pray and seek the advice of God. I have realized that this is not the way that God designed it to be and that it actually grieves him when I do not go to him first.

The purpose of this post is to let you know that God desires to be first in our lives. He will place people in our lives to help us, but these people can not take the place of our Savior. When we depend fully on God we never have to worry about being led in the wrong direction because God knows exactly where to lead us. People can often times lead us in the wrong direction because they are not always aware of the plan that God has for us. Depending on God brings peace and safety to our lives. He loves us and wants the best for us in every situation. Remember that God's way is ALWAYS the BEST way!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we thank you for loving us and being there for us in every situatuion we face. We know that you place people in our lives to help us but these people cannnot take the place of you. We ask you to help us always depend on you and you alone. Help us to go to you first in anything that we face. Forgive us for the times that that we have put the people in our lives before you. Lord we want your sovereign will to be done in our lives. In Jesus Name, Amen

I love you and God loves you
Kendra G.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Are you too focused on the opinions of people to follow Christ?

 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good,pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2(NIV)

I have learned that there are many things that can influence our actions and the decisions that we make in life. People are one of the main influences in our lives, because we all have a natural desire to be accepted. But, when we began to follow Christ we have to learn to focus our attention on what he desires from us rather than what people may think about us.

In my personal experience when I first decided to fully commit my life to Christ I realized that there were alot of things that I would have to let go of in order to live the life that he called me to live. In the process of eliminating things out of my life part of me always worried about how people would view me or what they would say about me. Throughout the process I learned that my focus could not be on people if my desire was to please God. You will also find that people are not thinking about you as much as you may think they are. This is also a trick of Satan to keep you from striving to live the life that God desires for you to live.

The purpose of this post is to let you know that when we worry about what other people think we can began to let them influence our actions.Ultimately, we can even miss out on what God is trying to do with our lives. Instead of going towards God we can get stuck trying to fit into the "world". Remember that walking with Christ is a process in which you grow more everyday. This walk will not always be easy.There will be temptations and struggles along the way. We have to remember that God is with us at every point in our lives. God can use us in a mighty way, but we have to make the choice to follow Jesus or the "world".

Prayer: Lord Jesus, Thank you for being here for me through every struggle and temptation I face. Jesus help me to keep you as the focus in my life and to do what is pleasing to you. Lord, forgive me for all the times I failed you while following the opinions of othere. Thank you for being my strength in weakness. Help me to choose you in every situation. I can not do this alone. In Jesus Name, Amen

I love you and God loves you,
Sincerely, Kendra G.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Is there a plan on your "Road" of life?

"For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Have you ever wondered why you are still here after all you have done or have been through? Do you ever wonder what your purpose is in life and how to reach it? If you have than you are not alone. I have always wondered what my purpose is in life and how do I make sure that I am living the life that God has designed for me. Well, we can rest assured that God knows the answer to all these questions and that He has a divine plan for our lives. God knows each of us personally and before we were even formed in our mother's womb He already had a specific plan for our lives. (Jeremiah 1:5) The key is for us to choose His plan.

In life God has given us the ability to choose, we can choose to follow people or to follow Christ. As we follow Christ He will guide us and direct us into His ultimate plan for our lives. Even though at times it will get hard we must realize that God is with us and that His plan is the only plan that can lead to purpose and fulfillment in life. As we walk with Christ there will be difficult times. We may not always understand the plan or feel like He even has a plan. This is because God's plans go beyond our understanding so that He may prove to us and those around us how great He is.

The purpose of this post is to let you know that God takes our plans personally and that He is involved in every aspect of our lives. This journey called life will have trials and tribulations. I can not tell you that it will always be easy, But we can be rest assured that in every moment of our lives God sees the end.

I encourage you today to not give up and continue to strive to see God's plan fulfilled in your life. I am so excited about what He is going to do through you and I!
PRAYER: Lord, I thank you for the plan you have for my life. Even though I do not fully understand the plan. Today I choose to place my trust in you. I can not do this alone. Lord forgive me for the times I did not follow your plan. Lord help me to forsake my plans for yours. In Jesus Name, Amen.

I love you and God loves you,
Sincerely, Kendra G.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Can you still start over in life?

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17

Sometimes we can come to a point in our lives when we feel as if our lives are beyond repair and that it is impossible for us to start over in life,But God has made a way for us to have a new beginning in life. When we give our lives to Christ he begins to restore and rebuild the broken pieces that life can often leave behind.

In my personal experience when I gave my life to Christ I had many areas that I thought were beyond repair. I felt that it was almost impossible to let go of my past and embrace the future that God has designed for me. Through developing a relationship with Christ the broken pieces of my life have began to come together and He has shown me that there is no situation beyond repair.

The purpose of this post is to let you know that no matter how broken your life may be at this moment, if you give your life to Christ he will restore,rebuild and renew. He is able to give you a new beginning. Yes you can start over!

“Never forget, Today, you have 100% of your life left.” -- Tom Hopkins

I encourage you to start today, give your life to Christ and watch him lead you into a place of restoration.
                                                    I love you and God loves you,
                                                                       Sincerely, Kendra G.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Which path will you take in life?

  "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to destruction." Proverbs 14:12

 I have learned that life will present you with many different paths that you can take. The important thing is that you take the path that leads to life. In our world today the path to destruction has become the most popular path taken. The enemy has made this path look desirable, fulfilling and exciting. I can tell you from experience that that there is no TRUE peace, joy or fulfillment when you choose to take this path in life. Notice that I said there is no TRUE peace,joy or fulfillment. I said this because the path to destruction is deceptive and misleading, it will make you feel as if what you are experiencing is peace and fulfillment. It is not until you choose the path of life that you will find what is TRUE peace and fulfillment. You will find that you wasted so much of your life on a path that leads to sure destruction.

If you are wondering what some of the paths are in our world that lead to destruction, I will name just a few:
-Cheating or manipulating others to gain success in life.
- Doing drugs to medicate pain or emptiness in life.
- Sex outside of a marriage covenant

I want you to know that if you are on any of these paths in life right now or any other path that you know in your heart will lead to destruction, Your life is NOT over! I have personally traveled down the path of destruction and have now experienced the grace and love of God in my life. No matter who you are or what you have done, God loves you and will forgive you. He is waiting with open arms to lead you down a path of life and eternity. Remember God's way is ALWAYS the best way!
 I love you and God loves you
Kendra G.